Employee Crisis Support

The CCM Foundation was formed in part to provide financial support to CCM employees in crisis during periods of disaster, illness, emergencies, and other personal hardships beyond their control.

These guidelines outline eligibility for support and the needs for which assistance may be provided. Assistance is granted at the sole discretion of the CCM Foundation Board of Directors based upon these guidelines and the requirements applicable to Section 501(c)(3) hardship relief organizations under the Internal Revenue Code, as well as availability of funds. 

To request assistance, CCM employees must apply for funding and meet the requirements outlined below. Eligible CCM employees may apply for support from the Foundation once per calendar year. Requests more than $5,000 may require additional documentation for consideration by the Board of Directors. Employees are not required to repay grants.

Incomplete requests will be returned to the applicant.



  1. The hardship must have been a result of a specific unplanned event, either a disaster or a personal hardship (as defined below); 
  2. The hardship must be beyond the applicant’s control;
  3. The applicant must complete an application to request assistance and submit it to the Selection Committee; and 
  4. The applicant must provide documentation of financial need and expenses, where applicable

Personal Hardship 

Individuals who are financially unable to care for themselves as a result of sudden and severe or overwhelming financial burdens arising from events beyond their control may have a personal hardship. For example, an individual who is temporarily not self-sufficient as a result of a sudden and severe personal or family crisis generally may qualify for assistance from the CCM Foundation. Similarly, a person experiencing distress that seriously affects his or her physical, mental, or emotional well-being may qualify for assistance from the CCM Foundation. The determination of what facts and circumstances qualify as personal hardship will be made by the Board of Directors consistent with the requirements under the Internal Revenue Code. 

Disaster Relief

Individuals who have experienced losses due to civil or natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, drought, and tornadoes may be eligible for disaster relief. For example, immediately following a flood, a family may be in need of food, clothing, and shelter, regardless of their financial resources. However, the family may not require long-term assistance if they have adequate financial resources. 

Examples of personal hardships that are NOT eligible for assistance include, but are not limited to:

  • Lost wages due to missed time from work
  • Elective, routine, or ongoing medical expenses
  • Bad debt from ongoing financial problems
  • Legal fees and related expenses
  • Unpaid taxes
  • Bankruptcy and any fees related to bankruptcy
  • Car insurance, car payments, and car repairs
  • Circumstances within the employee’s control (such as traffic violations)
  • Insurance deductibles
  • Funding for future anticipated hardships

Selection of Recipients

The Board of Directors will award grants based on an objective determination of need arising from either a personal hardship or a disaster. There is no one-size-fits all rule for making a determination of need; members of the Board of Directors will use their judgment and rely on objective information about the nature of the need and the financial resources available to the applicant at the time of the award. Awards will not be distributed simply based on the fact that an individual has experienced a disaster or personal hardship; rather, the Board of Directors are required to make a specific assessment that an applicant is financially in need as a result of the personal hardship or disaster at the time of the award. 

To contact the CCM Foundation, email [email protected]